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Thursday, November 30, 2006, 7:00 PM

tons of hw
ytr plae audit till 3+
reading a rather boring bk 4 1 whole week
bt havent finish
bk reviews r e most irritzting hw
still cant get license
ytr wanted to finsh another bk review
bt doze off for 2 hrs after reading 1 chapter
havent started revising next yr work
waiting 4 some kind hearted soul to buy e www tickets frm me!!!
~miserable teen yrs`

Wednesday, November 29, 2006, 7:39 PM

sian juz awake..
wanted to plae audit bt duno y cant get in
keep getting disconnected frm server
rainy day
stil gt tons of homework hw to finish??/
lucky tis term there isnt project
audit still lvl 4 oni
getting tired of lyfe at hme
wake up eat computer lunch study computer dinner study watch tv computer
same cycle at hme
sian tried e 10th tym bt still cant enter audit...

Tuesday, November 28, 2006, 2:14 AM

done reading half e bk
stil quit e numebr to go
lonely being alone
oni get to plae a few rounds of audit
didnt get much exp or den
bought items bt still blacky

Monday, November 27, 2006, 1:07 AM

juz plae finish audition...
plaed com until 5am ytr.
woke up at round 12pm.
hands cant work wif eyes n brain.ha
couldnt get the audit steps rite
pressing e key pad so hard.haha
at last lvl 4 audit
wen will it be lvl 5?/
nid more den to buy tings.
about 40 000 more den
lol it would take yrs be4 buying anyting
hoping some kind hearted wuld giv me items
every1 sae i look dark
malay ehs??

Saturday, November 25, 2006, 5:12 PM

so early..
juz woke up..
eat..read bk review..
haha juz started plaeing audtition ytr..
nice game hands cant press fast owaz last..haha
lvl 3 :)
done finish 1 movie n 1 bk review..
tons n tons of hw.

Thursday, November 23, 2006, 3:47 AM

moody night..
sian duno wd to do...

Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 6:35 PM

juz came hme frm dinner wif family...
damn angry wif e shop..
owner tot i was a thief n folo me everywhere i go..
even ask her workers to keep an eye on me..
do i luk lyk a thief??
n her tings are lyk so cheap lyk e 1 dollar shop??
y wuld i even wan to steal her tings..
she's so fat n cb..
even pretened n said tis infront of me
lol i bet her shop wuld go backcrupt in less den a yr or maybe a few mth

, 1:55 AM

long tym nv post blog is rotting.wuahs..woot~~
went to sch buy bk todae at round 11+..
wear hme cloth lucky could enter haha...
e auntie tot i study pure sci i tick wrongly haha..
mani ccas were on..
lucky npcc was nt dere has..
bks was heavy..drag those hme.sians...
readin e bk for bk review..at last started reading haha
holidae are boring!!!
wana go out 2dae bt eating dinner wif family so cant go out..aha
celebrating sis bdae!!
still duno hw to link pple sianzzz
still couldnt link pple after 1 week...wuahahs
haha another long post~~~
gona go..

Sunday, November 19, 2006, 4:30 PM

e brand new dae..
1st tym woke up so early..
hw suxs
wish pple wuld cum msn..or im oni 1 at msn?/
another sian dae nth to do..
juz ate..
watch ghost show..
scary scary..
wd shld i do nw?/~

Saturday, November 18, 2006, 6:50 AM

, 6:50 AM

sian...so much holidae hw..
my blog so plain haha...
juz came home..
bus no pple so quiet lyk ghost..hehe

, 12:22 AM

1st dae
went to downtown wif dad at around 1.30 to open e chalet.....
quit a no. of pple waiting to register e key....
after tt went to open e chalet waited 4 awhile....
at last feli n ww came...
lol dey said i luk fierce n nv tok to me..i was lonely
lol i tot i smiled wen open e door..:)
after tt waited in e chalet for 1.30hr be4 e rest came...
almost slp while waiting...
at last e rest came..plaed a few rounds of poker be4 goin for a walk..
after tt we went to TM to meet ms long n ms heng..
tot ms heng wanted to pay for e whole bill wuahahas
too full to eat didnt eat much
after tt went to beach n plaed for a while..
sudenly e bus came n we all ran n caught e last bus..
walking on e road took couple of photos..
back in chalet took turns to bathe..
had a kinda of pillow fight..lol
after tt some slp..
lol lied down for 2hrs couldnt slp

2nd dae
at around 5.30am went to beach to c sunrise
counldnt c much sun hahha..
after tt plae candles on e beach while e rest was waiting 4 e key..
went bak to chalet n slp for 2hrs..
i still couldnt slp..
at last wen i could get myself to slp it was tym to wake up..lol
after tt went to mac to hav lunch...
lucky e rain stop after awhile n we could go cycling..
i rented e smallest bike..lol
we cycle to e park..
while cycling down e slope felicia brake n she flown away..lol
fell down in a pile to flowers..
lucky dere was a tree or she wuld end up in a pond wuahas..
she was dirty..
after tt she rest n we continued cycling..
we went bak to chalet around evening n bathe..
after tt plae arcade..
wanted to lend xbox bt nid IC..
buy some stuffs n went bak to plae poker..
i lose all my coins in e game..
lol after tt group wif felicia
i had no more coins left..
plaed blackjack n lost couple of tyms..
lucky it was felicia $ n nt mine..haha
after tt watch tv..
wenwah n feli slp wehile we watch ghost show..
it was rather boring at the starting..
i slp haflway through e ghost show..
sudenly chris hand hit me while he was slping..was he dreaming or somting?lol

3rd dae
woke up at around 10am
pack up stuffs n went to check out
went to eat breakfast n decided to cycle again
cycled for 2hrs..
at 1st tried to fetch felica bt failed..lol
cycled for about 1hr n at last dere was shop..stop down n buy drinks..
tried to fetch felicia again n sucess lol..
2 person bike was more fun could lean..ahas
cycleing halfway rain came n go came n go..
while goin bak to e rental shop e rain sudenly came heavy..
i cycled faster bt feli was funi ask me to slow down even it was raining heavily...lol
she was scared tt wud fall...haha
after returned e bike went to downtown 2 bath..
after tt it was tym to go home..yawn...


Thursday, November 16, 2006, 9:13 PM

just finish myy blog.. tag tag.


in his sweet fourTEEN

Tricia Lek
zhi ying



November 2006
December 2006


layout: Beatrice!
image: Threadless.com
fonts: Dafont.com
codes: magnette brushes: Err... I forgot where I got them, tell me if you know... Thanks :D